Acclaimed director Mo Wan-il, known for the groundbreaking K-drama “The World of the Married,” is set to captivate audiences once again with his directorial debut, “The Frog.” This highly anticipated Korean thriller will premiere on Netflix on August 23, 2024, with eight hour-long episodes.
“The Frog” follows the tranquil life of motel owner Young-ha, which is abruptly disrupted by the arrival of a mysterious woman one summer. The series promises a gripping exploration of the ensuing chaos and suspense. Renowned actor Kim Yoon-seok takes on the lead role of Young-ha, bringing his signature intensity to the character. He is joined by the rising star Go Min-si, who plays the enigmatic guest, Yoo Seong-aa.
Produced by SSL and Studio Flow, the series was originally titled “In the Woods Alone” before adopting its current, more intriguing name.
The much-awaited trailer for “The Frog” is now available.
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